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By: Sheena Jacobs, Assistant Director, UNC UCS

Today, we bring you Aaron Epps.  Aaron is from Fairmont, NC, majoring in Political Science with a minor in Socioeconomic Justice.   His career interests are in HR and working with diversity and inclusion within corporations as it relates to recruiting, retaining, and developing diverse talent. Aaron is being interviewed by Sheena Jacobs, Assistant Director, UCS.


Jacobs: What was the most meaningful part of the Google Bold experience?

Epps:  I was very blessed to have the Google Bold experience coming in with a background that wasn’t Business.  This allowed me to leverage many of my qualitative skills in understanding unique perspectives and solutions for solving problems in HR.  The environment was very team oriented and I was able to use skills from my Political Science course such as analyzing and critical thinking in order to bring about the solutions.

Jacobs: What was the most meaningful part of the Google Bold experience?

Epps: I really enjoyed the people I met at Google.  They were some of the most intelligent and helpful people.  For instance, I now know I want to get an MBA.  While at Google my manager, who has an MBA, would help me connect with other employees in the organization with MBAs. He inquired about the schools I was interested in and pair me with people internally at Google or connect me to Alums of the programs.  I liked how it was a family and while they were very accomplished, they wanted to see me do well.

Jacobs: What have been some of your accomplishments and challenges throughout your journey thus far?

Epps:  Challenge: I came into school pre-law and I realized at the end of my Sophomore year that I didn’t want to go to law school.  At that time, I had already finished half of college and it was too late to change my major.  I had to understand the resources available on campus, going to UCS and talking to people like Sheena to see what opportunities would be available.  Even if I couldn’t change my academic focus, I could still enter a career that suited my interests.  That was an accomplishment in itself.  Looking into the resources, exploring opportunities, and seeing ways to pair personal interest into a career was great, even if it was not for a career in law.

Jacobs: In what way(s) did this experience help you prepare for your next steps after Carolina?

Epps:  The networking piece at Google was helpful in exploring beyond my time there.  I was able to see if the field or industry my calling and see what works and does not work for me.  It solidified the type of environment I want to work in and the culture I want to be a part of as I look for full-time employment.

Jacobs: Do you have any advice for other Carolina students who might want an experience like this one?

Epps:  Search Google careers early because the internship is extremely competitive and many people apply.  Also, go to University Career Services to ask how you can improve your resume, LinkedIn profile, or how to reach out to people on LinkedIn.  I reached out to a Google recruiter on LinkedIn who was also a UNC Alum so we were able to form a relationship through that but first I had to know how to reach out. Always revise your resume and try your hardest on interviews by preparing and displaying your alignment with position or how the role with help you in the future.

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