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By: Jonathan Adams, Assistant Director, UNC UCS

Today, we bring you Will Arditti, a senior at UNC, studying economics.  Interviewed by Assistant Director, Jonathan Adams.


Adams: Tell me about your internship for summer 2017. What was the most meaningful part of the experience?

Arditti:  The first day I stepped into Guantao International Law Firm’s office in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China this summer, I was unnerved. My preparation was misinformed and I was overwhelmed with the challenges I had to overcome. I studied hours every night to acquaint myself with the relevant cases I would be summarizing, analyzing, and discussing. I did not want my summer to simply pass by without contributing meaningful work, either. I worked hard to improve my capabilities as a legal analyst in a foreign environment and succeeded in contributing to documented legal arguments within Chinese corporate law. I recognize there are many important qualities one needs to progress in business. Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance that is absolutely vital. My experience in China is one that I will continue to value and be reminded of as I go forth in my career pursuit.

Adams:  What have been some of your accomplishments and/or challenges throughout your career journey thus far?

Arditti:  I’m proud of the unique opportunities I’ve had. I’ve put myself in challenging atmospheres around the globe to test and improve on my ability to adapt.

Adams:   In what way(s) did your internship experiences help you prepare for your next steps after Carolina?

Arditti:  Internship experiences are excellent talking points in interviews. They can reflect your wide range of experience as well as the particular successes you’ve had. Internships also gave me significant and necessary corporate experience that helped me transition into the job market.

Adams:   What skills or competencies did the experience help you gain?

Arditti:  It’s fascinating to work in a corporate environment with people from a different place. It’s exciting to work toward a common goal by capitalizing on unique perspectives and characteristics we may share or hold distinctly. In a firm where I was the only person not natively from China, adaptability, responsiveness, and positivity were key. The language barrier was a problem sometimes. Clarity in communication was essential. This too is important even at home where everyone speaks English. I think it starts with not being afraid to ask questions and knowing when to listen. More importantly, asking the right questions offers a new avenue for problem solving.

Adams:   Do you have any advice for other Carolina students who might want an experience like this one?

Arditti:  Your four years at Carolina are like no other. Pursue opportunities to put yourself in unfamiliar situations. Challenge your ability to adapt, connect with new people, and seek continuous improvement.


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