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By: Courtesy of the National Association of Colleges and Employers

We know that recruiters looking for candidates to hire for their organizations want college graduates who are a proper fit for their culture and industry. But, without being hired full time, how can you demonstrate that you can perform at a high level on the job?

The best way to impress potential employers during your job search is to gain and highlight relevant work experience.

Nearly all of the employers taking part in the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ (NACE) Job Outlook 2015 survey said they prefer to hire job candidates who have work experience. Relevant work experience is preferred by almost 75 percent of employers. On the other side, fewer than 5 percent of employers said experience didn’t factor into their decision when hiring new college graduates. Six in 10 employers say they prefer work experience gained through an internship or co-op experience.

For college students, relevant experience is typically gained through internships. In fact, an internship can be your way to get your “foot in the door” to a job with many employers.

Simply put, employers are looking for evidence that you can do the job; the internship provides you with that evidence. Be sure to visit the career services office for guidance on internships that can support your career goals.


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