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By: Mary Rosage, Assistant Director

Did you know that STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) graduates are expected to have the highest salaries from recently graduating classes? Nationally the average is expected to be between $64,891 and $55,087 for 2016 for the top 3 disciplines:  engineering, computer science, and math & science.  That is huge!

The popularity in these disciplines are not only limited to the STEM fields we tend to think of like healthcare and academia.  Students are working in industry to develop vaccines, work in artificial intelligence and use mathematics to solve issues in financial markets.  There’s so many options on what you can do with a major in chemistry, biology and other STEM fields.  One great way to get connected with those options is to join a professional organization in your field.  The American Institute of Physics, for example, has a thorough guide on careers you can follow with a Physics degree ( The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics also has an entire section dedicated to the many types of career options you have as a math student (

UCS is also hosting an industry night for you to hear first-hand what people have done with a career in STEM.  Next semester we will bring in professionals who work in a STEM field that you can meet.  What better way to find out what your options are than talk to someone who has “been there, done that”?  STEM Industry Night details are as follows: February 15th, 6-8pm in Graham 109 Lounge.  Be sure to RSVP to the event and check it out!

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