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Plan a road trip:  If you’re able to drive and have access to a vehicle, a road trip can be a wonderful bonding experience between you and your friends. Pack a bag, load up the car, and hit the road together to explore someplace new and exciting. Here is a link to some of the hidden waterfalls in North Carolina.

Visit friends: Winter break is a great time to reconnect with friends you haven’t seen in a while. Reach out to friends you don’t see very often.

  • Ride bikes together, play in the snow, or simply hang out watching movies or playing video games.
  • Consider taking a trip to visit friends who live a few towns away or a state over.
  • Catch up on what’s new with your friends.
  • Get coffee together or go out for a meal.

Volunteer:  There is no greater feeling of accomplishment than helping out your fellow man.  Spend a couple of hours a week at your local hospital/homeless shelter/soup kitchen etc.  You’ll be glad you did.

Exercise: There’s no such thing as a winter layer for humans. Winter is a great time to get outside and run and hike.  Go ice skating if you have the opportunity. Go to a gym if it too cold or create an exercise plan that you can do in your home. The important key here is to stay physically fit during this time.

Research Internships: Employers begin posting internship opportunities early, use this time to update your resume and begin applying to internships through Careerolina and other resources.

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