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10 things you can do with an extra day:

  1. Invite a friend to lunch
  2. Send a letter to your favorite high school teacher
  3. Set life achievement goals for the next 3 leap years
  4. Come up with witty acronyms for the letters LEAP such as Learn, Explore and Play
  5. Watch the movie Leap Year with Amy Adams and Matthew Goode
  6. Do something nice for a stranger
  7. Enjoy some hot chocolate with your bestie
  8. Follow –up with an employer you met at the Career Fair
  9. Research a career field of interest
  10. Think about attending the Majors Mixer on March 2nd in the Union

So, whatever you decide to do on this extra day in the year, just do something.

Learn, Explore, Analyze, Perform. Make it your own! 

Make time for a friend, take time for you.

Take time to reflect on who you are and what you want the rest of the school year to look like. What impact do you want to make?

What footprint do you want to leave?

Do you do this alone or can a group of you work together to tackle a problem?

Just do something….


Sue Harbour

University Career Services

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