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It’s that time of the semester, when you can count the remaining number of class days on your hands and the countdown until you leave for break is even more realistic. Thanksgiving break is first and then follows the much-needed Winter Break.

Thanksgiving break is always special – it’s the first Holiday break of your undergraduate career. For many, it’s the first time your family has seen you since you left for college. With that in mind, prepare yourself accordingly, for questions you can expect to be asked:

1. How is school going?
2. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
3. What is your major?
4. What have you been up to lately?
5. How are your grades this semester?

It’s almost guaranteed that you will be asked one of the above questions, if not all five of them, multiple times. However, the consistency of your response each time your asked one of the questions is not guaranteed. When dealing with relatives and answering these questions, it’s important to understand that you may not have an answer to that question… YET. Moreover, it’s important for you to be transparent and honest when answering.

Be honest about your grades, your social life (or lack thereof), relationships, your major, extracurricular involvement, etc. If you’re undecided, had a rough semester academically, distracted by the social component of UNC, you’re family would much rather hear the truth than a dressed up version of what’s really going on. These questions are not asked with the intent of pressuring you to know everything, but your relatives want to know how they can best support you. So, be honest! Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know” and most importantly appreciate every individual who is concerned for your well-being while you’re away at college!

Jashawnna Gladney
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill | Class of 2016
Double Major: Public Policy & Global Studies

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