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Picture yourself a year from now. Where are you? What are you doing? These questions may cause stress for some who are unsure of their next step or are worried about the job search process. Here at UCS, we urge you to take a deep breath. This is just another hurdle you WILL overcome.

Paul Drury shares these mindfulness tips in a blog on LinkedIn:

Compassion. Go easy on yourself. It’s not your fault. Are you supporting yourself as much as you could, or are you beating yourself up at every possible opportunity? Is your “inner conversation” the sort of chat that you would have with your best friend in a similar situation? If not, why not? The job search can be a long process, and you need yourself on your side.

Acceptance. Accept your reality. Accepting doesn’t mean giving up or giving in, it just means being aware of what is actually happening and making conscious choices about the way forward. Ask yourself, do you have the skills and experience you need for the roles for which you are applying? Analyse the outcomes of your interviews – what went well and what didn’t go so well? Be brutally honest with yourself, and you will come to some useful conclusions.

Visualization. This works for me. Close your eyes and see yourself in the room, confidently answering questions, building a solid rapport with your interviewers. You are meant to be there, and this is the first step to a new career. When you are waiting in reception before the interview, imagine yourself walking through the doors on the first day. It could happen. It is in your hands.

See the full article by Paul Drury here:

And more tips for your mindful job search can be found online:


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