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Job shadowing is a short term learning experience (day or week) which is an opportunity for students to gain exposure to an industry and/or a work setting.  To gain exposure to a career field students are encouraged to consider things to do, before, during and after a job shadowing experience!


  • Think about the type of job you would be interested in doing
  • Conduct some research about the field.
  • Contact family friends, professors, TA’s, neighbors and supervisors who might refer you to professionals working in your field of interest
  • Contact the professional, introduce yourself and  explain what  you are seeking
  • If the professional is open to meeting with you, schedule a mutual time to meet and time frame for your visit
  • Generate a list of questions.
  • The visit may consist of a few hours to a full day depending upon the availability of your host
  • Consider arriving at least 10 minutes early
  • Dress to be remembered in a positive manner


  • Greet your host with a professional handshake
  • Maintain good eye contact
  • Deliver your questions in a clear, concise voice.
  • Based on the responses you receive, additional questions may be generated
  • Be prepared to go on a tour of the facility and/or department or departments
  • Thank your host for their time along with a firm handshake and tell them you will be in touch in the future


  • Send your host a professional thank you letter and let them know you appreciate them sharing their valuable time with you.
  • Consider sending or delivering their favorite fruit or healthy snacks for the office to share a tangible “THANK YOU”
  • Follow-up with your host and notify them if you utilized their suggestions to gain skills and to expand your career growth
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