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Did you know that many organizations are required by law to have a board of directors to provide advice, guidance, and strategic planning to help ensure its success? Many professionals, new and experienced, have taken this notion to a new level by creating their own personal board of directors.

Why should I have a board of directors?
It’s a great way for you to get unbiased advice, guidance, mentoring, and professional development from a kaleidoscope of people from varying backgrounds. Not only will you be expanding your network, you will also be learning from people whose opinions and experience you admire and trust.

Who should be on your board of directors?
How you create your board is up to you. Think about people in your life whose insight you value: friends, past supervisors, relatives, industry experts, people in positions you aspire to, people who have different opinions than you. Also keep in mind that as a UNC student, you already have a huge network of experienced professionals at your disposal via our alumni. Resources like the General Alumni Association and Linked In are excellent resources for you to connect with alumni.

How do I ask someone to be on my board?
Just ask! If it’s someone whose opinion you value, it would be seen as a compliment that you would like their guidance. Simply explain that you are putting together a personal board of directors to help you develop as a professional. Perhaps you can agree to meet once a quarter either in person or virtually to discuss your progress, concerns, ideas, and development. Remember to show your appreciation by being professional, being mindful of your board’s time, and showing genuine gratitude for their commitment to helping you develop.

Think of it as your very own brain trust, a safe place you can turn to for honest advice, insight, experience, and the occasional reality check.

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