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Wouldn’t it be great if there was a magical test you could take that would tell you exactly what you should major in or what you should do when you graduate? Just imagine if you could complete an online questionnaire or assessment and WHA LAH, your computer spits out the perfect plan for the rest of your professional life. Well, guess what – that doesn’t exist! You’re way too complex and evolving for one static test to predict your future!
However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t excellent resources available to you to help you figure out which majors or career paths might be a good fit for you. Over the course of the fall semester, we are offering 4 workshops entitled “Connecting Your Interests to Your Major and Career”. Using assessments such as the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) and FOCUS 2, we will help you better understand your values, interests, and personality, and how these traits factor into your major and career choice.

Dates for ‘Connecting Your Interests to Your Major and Career’
All sessions are held from 4-5pm in 239a/b Hanes Hall:
~September 2
~October 11
~October 27
~December 1

By Jeff Sackaroff, Associate Director

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