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Been There, Done That—Writing a Resume
Writing resumes can be frustrating, no matter how many times you have done it before. Over the years I have gotten several useful tips when it comes to writing resumes. Two of the most important tips I have gotten regarding resume include keeping a long resume and having someone else review your resume. By a long resume I mean keeping a resume with everything you’ve done on it. This long resume is helpful when applying for different positions. You can pick and choose from your long resume to build a different resume tailored to that specific position. This also helps you save time from recreating and rewriting things for every resume you create. The second tip, having someone else review your resume, is great because they may catch mistakes or errors in your resume that you don’t see. Also, meeting with someone to discuss your resume allows you to talk about the different items on your resume. Personally, I have found this has helped me elaborate more on past experiences and include things on my resume that I may not originally have thought of. UCS counselors are very helpful with resume reviews. You can meet with a UCS counselor in-person or submit your resume online through Careerolina to have your resume reviewed.

Payal Patel
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ’17
UNC UCS Career Peer
B.S. Information Science

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